• Jenny@TravelAddict101.com

Tag Archives: eating while on the road

Eating in Rio de Janeiro…Plate by the Kilo

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I don’t like buffet restaurants.  I want to disclose my biases right up front, but you cannot eat in Rio de Janiero without learning to navigate a “plate by the kilo” restaurant.  It is really quite easy. They are very common and do offer a wide variety of choices from salad to dessert but until you do it once, step by step directions would have been helpful so here you go!

  • Walk into the front door and greet the person standing just inside
  • Take the slip of paper this greeter will hand you. Note! This slip of paper seems to have magical qualities and will be your ticket through this experience!
  • You can choose a table immediately or go directly to the buffet.
  • If you sit for even one minute, a waiter will come to your table to take your drink order. Hand him the magic slip of paper, he will note what you have ordered and bring it to you shortly. We struggled with our drink order beyond the basic Coke, Coke Lite, water (“aqua, no gas”) and sparkling water (“aqua, con gas”). These always came in a can or bottle.  We did attempt to order tap water as we saw other tables with a small carafe on their table.  I pointed to “H2O” on my magic slip of paper and hoped it was tap water.  But no…H2O is a brand name of a lemon flavored carbonated drink, think Sprite.  Although good, it was not what I had hoped.  Beer and wine are also common choices at any restaurant.

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  • Remember this magic slip of paper is your ticket to the food! You take the paper with you to the buffet and peruse the abundance of choices for your meal. Just like in any buffet you over fill your plate because it all looks good.  Or at least pretty good.  There will be small signs with the names of the prepared food (in Portuguese).
  • Your choices will include a bit of a salad bar, casseroles, sushi, pizza, sausage, potatoes and other similar items. Most locations will also have grilled meat items available.


  • My strategy was to take a small amount of many items and see what I enjoyed. Once you fill your plate with what looks good, you proceed to the scale. Why a scale you ask? This is how you will be charged for your meal.
  • Place the plate of food on the scale, hand over your magic slip of paper and the person will write on it or apply a sticker to the paper.
  • If you want seconds of the best item you chose or even a bit of dessert, you are welcome to return for more! Bring your magic slip of paper with you, pick up a new plate and enjoy! Return to the scale for a second or third sticker
  • The waiter will check on you and you can again order additional drinks (no free refills) which he will again note on your (clearly) magical slip of paper
  • When you have finished your meal, simply take the magic slip of paper to the cashier near the door, hand it over and pay the total. Even if the “magic paper person” is only a few feet away, the cashier will hand you a tab which you promptly give to the “magic paper person” at the door. This proves you have paid for your meals.
  • Meals in Rio are very inexpensive. I would estimate a Plate by the Kilo meal for two will be approximately $25 including drinks.
  • Meal times in Rio are much later in the day when compared to US meal times. This can be to your advantage! Dinner in Rio will typically begin between 8 – 9pm.  After a day of exploring and adventures, you may be ready for dinner at 7pm so this hour of a full wait staff and few customers allows you time to navigate the buffet and ask questions without feeling you are holding up the rest of the diners!
  • Enjoy!!










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